Mischief Monday

Today was another chance for Gracie and Henri to be off leash and to run free with their friend Brie!  Not as good as the last trip!  We started walking down the beach the opposite direction that we did last time.  This time we had the ocean on one side and the promenade on the other.  Here’s how it started…



They all started out playing together and having fun!

Then Gracie decided to set off on her own.


At first I wasn’t worried since she returned the last time but now she was getting close to the promenade and closer to the road!  I started after her and thought I’d be able to catch her because she stopped to take care of business but by the time I caught up she was off again and I had to stop to clean up her business.  Then I saw a couple coming up the beach and she changed directions and headed straight for them!  I wasn’t worried too much because Gracie is nothing but a kissy monster and fortunately they were dog lovers and started playing with her.  I yelled for them to grab her harness but they didn’t hear!  By the time I caught up she was running circles around this couple then took off again in the direction of my friend Bobbi who was finally able to get ahold of her harness and hold her for me.  She had a retractable leash for her dog so we put that on Gracie and her running far days were over!


Henri on the other hand stayed close to us and if called came running back.  Henri and Brie were having a great time!



Romping on Beach3

Gracie could only run after Henri from a distance!


I think I need to work with her a little bit more!

11 thoughts on “Mischief Monday

  1. Delilah is the same way, she will come back but only after she’s done with whatever she’s doing. Perhaps a command that stops her. Like Stop or Wait or even an emergency sit. If you can get her to stop or sit, it may take her mind of what she’s doing and then you can redirect with another command.

    • I’ve discovered today that she attention span isn’t that long. They were picking up leaves and twigs and stuff as we were coming home from our walk this morning. We were right in front of the house and I had them stop so I could give them a talking to about how they are not to pick up stuff like that. Henri looked and stared at me like he understood what I was saying. Gracie on the other hand looked at me then looked away, then looked at me and away. The dialogue in my head from her was, “yeah yeah whatever, did you see that cat over there!” I think she needs more training!

  2. Love love love these pictures!!!! What an awesome dog walk indeed…So thankful you were able to catch up with Gracie, that would have scared me silly…We use a retractable leash too. What a blast they had!!!!

    • Oh I was very scared but tried to think positive thoughts! LOLOL
      Her off leash days are over until she gets a little more training!
      Yeah, they did enjoy themselves, burned off a lot of energy!

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